What’s intuitive eating and is it right for you?

Hey there, friend! Let’s talk about intuitive eating! It’s like a breath of fresh air in a world obsessed with diets and calorie counting.

The basic idea is simple: you eat when you’re hungry, and you stop when you’re full. Sounds pretty reasonable, right?

But intuitive eating goes beyond that. It’s about rediscovering your natural relationship with food and nourishing your body in a way that feels good to you.

It’s not about labeling foods as “good” or “bad” and feeling guilty when you indulge in something delicious.

Nope, it’s about treating yourself with kindness and respect and making choices that make you feel good both physically and mentally.


Here are the ten principles of intuitive eating:


1. Forget about diets

Let’s be real, diets don’t work. They make you feel deprived, and you end up rebounding and overeating. It’s a vicious cycle. Instead, focus on listening to your body and giving it what it needs.

2. Recognize your hunger

Pay attention to your body and notice when you’re hungry. Eating when you’re hungry is a natural and healthy response. Emotional eating, on the other hand, can lead to overeating and weight gain.

3. Nourish your body

All food is good food. Seriously, no more labeling foods as “bad.” When you allow yourself to eat anything, you’re less likely to feel guilty or binge. Make smart choices and allow yourself to indulge in moderation.

4. Know when you’re full

It’s just as important to know when you’re full as it is to recognize your hunger. Slow down your eating, and give your body time to signal that it’s full.

5. Enjoy your food

Food is not just fuel; it’s an experience! Savor the taste, texture, and aroma of your food. Put away your phone and enjoy your meal without distractions.

6. Don’t use food as a crutch

Emotional eating is a slippery slope. If you’re feeling stressed, sad, or anxious, find other ways to comfort yourself that don’t involve food. Take a walk, read a book, or call a friend.

7. Love your body

You are unique and beautiful, just as you are. Embrace your body and accept it for what it is. Nurturing a positive body image can help you make healthier choices and feel more confident.

8. Exercise should feel good

Move your body in a way that feels good to you. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, or biking, find an activity that makes you happy. Don’t worry about burning calories; focus on how exercise makes you feel.

9. Honor your health

Your health is important, and that includes both physical and mental well-being. Don’t punish yourself for indulging in a treat, but also don’t use intuitive eating as an excuse to eat junk food all day every day.

10. Be patient

Intuitive eating is a journey, not a destination. It takes time to reconnect with your body and relearn how to eat in a healthy, intuitive way. But trust the process, and be patient with yourself.

So, is intuitive eating right for you? Only you can decide that. But if you’re tired of the dieting rollercoaster and want to rediscover your natural relationship with food, it’s worth a try.

Remember, it’s all about treating yourself with kindness and respect and making choices that make you feel good both physically and mentally.

To make intuitive eating work for you, you will want nutritional knowledge, an easy plan to track your progress, and some coaching.

This is exactly why I’ve built Revive Medicine. My goal is to help you lay the foundation of healthy eating in a way that is easy and practical so you can achieve life-changing results.

Good luck on your journey!

Dr. Nancy Selim - Family Physician, Weight Loss Coach and Nutrition Coach

I’m Dr. Nancy Selim,

Board-Certified Obesity Medicine, Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine Physician. After practicing traditional primary care for over 15 years, I became frustrated with the band-aid approach to medicine, only addressing the tip of the iceberg instead of the root cause of disease.

I created Revive Medicine to partner with those wanting to achieve sustainable weight loss and improve chronic disease risk through a combination of meals, movement, mindset, and medication management.

Join us on our journey to better health.

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